Saturday, May 31, 2014

¡Enseñando las figuras Geométricas en inglés!/Teaching Shapes!

Students from Pre-K to First Grade need to learn the 2 dimensional shapes. Here you can find some ideas to develop this concept at home or at school.

1. Use construction paper and cut shapes to fill in the objects.
Always encourage your child to write the word and read it aloud. 

2. Guide your student/child to use the bottom part of a cup to make circle patterns with paint.  

 3.  Use the computer in the Paint program and make objects using the shapes clipart. When he/she completes the activity it can be printed.
4. Cut shapes from construction paper and create an animal or an object.

5. Use these video songs to reinforce  all the two dimensional shapes. Interactive videos are great because students follow the instructions and practice the pronunciation.

6. Use cutters to cut shapes in play dough or draw shapes on paper for your child/student to make clay sausages and trace the shape to form it.      

7. Always remember to pronounce the word for your child to listen.

8. Encourage your little one to repeat the word mean while he/she works each shape.

9. Also, daily routine helps to reinforce each concept.

Have Fun!

Aprendiendo los sonidos en inglés/Learning the Long and Short Sound

It is great to use the posters to reinforce the sounds of each letter, but it is better to change strategies for your child's interest to boost. Kids learn easier if their anxiety level is low. Remember that learning should be fun, so lets use todays music to teach English concepts. Today kids know the song "What the fox says?". I found a video song that reinforces the sounds of the alphabet using the music of the song already mentioned. Its called "What does the letters say?

Click on the play button. Have fun!

Enseñando los Números en Inglés/Teaching the numbers in English

You need to teach the numbers and you don't know how to teach them! Here I have some resources that can help your 5 and 6 year old to master this concept.
First, you should begin exposing your student/child to counting concrete objects.
Second, you can print coloring pages for your child to color the objects and the number. Repetition helps to memorize these concepts.
Third, make use of clay, pasta, and other materials for students to learn the number symbol.
Fourth, use video songs to reinforce the concept learned.
Last, you can use posters for daily review. Take 5 minutes.

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